
Roshahliza M Ramli
Nurul Aqilah Herman
Mohd Azrul Hisham Mohd Adib
Nur Fatihah Azmi


Many academics from across the world are working to reduce the epidemic effect by using robots and drones. The worst thing was after the face mask rule took effect on 1 August, 2020. In Malaysia, millions of contaminated face masks pose a deadly
hazard for humans and wildlife. Besides that, there are many Unmanned Ground vehicles (UGV) equipped with a manipulator
nowadays, but the main issue was the lack of stability in picking and placing objects. UGV plays an important role as the equipment that can reduce the risk of infection to cleaners to reduce COVID-19 for disposal. In addition, another aim of this
research is to define the generalised coordinates for the robot arm. Thus, UGV had been developed by using hardware and software requirements. In terms of hardware, the robotic arm consists of 4 DC servo motors to control the movement of the robotic arm and 1 DC Servo motor to control the movement of the gripper. Besides that, the rocker boogie consists of 6 DC motors that had been switched by using a dual H- Bridge and controlled by ArduinoMega. In terms of software, it used Robo Analyser software to identify the value of position and orientation of each joint correctly, as all these values needed to be used by the controller to tackle stability issues for further research. As a result, this project has novelties that reduced the risk of personnel death by making the disposal process more reliable than the current way, and the safety of the authorities can be improved. Finally, the End Effector position was also successfully retrieved by using the DenavitHartenberg method and Forward Kinematic Analysis.



April 10, 2023


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Physical Dimensions